January is a difficult month, atleast for me. For one it comes after the Christmas holidays when I got to be completely lazy.  I slept, I ate delicious food and attended parties and let's not forget all the free time I had to read.

Now January is here and I have to go back to school.  Back to my hectic schedule. The weather is hot and and things are made worse by the fact that everyone is broke. That is why I would do anything to forget about how difficult this month is. Nothing does this better for me than when I am reading. A good fantasy book is just the thing to make me forget everything at least for a few hours. Here is my fantasy reading  list for January.
~Strange the Dreamer: Laini Taylor
~Red Sister: Mark Lawrence
~Sins of Empire: Brian McClellan
~Poison Study: Maria V.  Snyder

Have you read any of these books?  What did you think? 🤔 Let me know and I would love to know how you deal with your holiday hangover.


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